
this is time base one time password



Generate TOTP

  1. Installation
   npm i gen-totp
   // or
   yarn add gen-totp
  1. Usage
  const genTOTP = require('gen-totp');
  const otp = genTOTP('test-key');
  // that will return otp with length 6 numbers
  const genTOTP = require('gen-totp');
  const otp = genTOTP('test-key', { digits: 4 });
  // that will return otp with length 4 numbers


genTOTP take two parameters

  1. key this is a string that contains numbers, characters, _ and -
  2. options this an Object
    • digits this is the number of digits will return
    • period this is the time to generate new otp after it (this by seconds)
    • algorithm this is algorithm to pure hash numbers

      the complete Secure Hash Standard (SHA) family (SHA-1, SHA-224/256/384/512, SHA3-224/256/384/512, SHAKE128/256, cSHAKE128/256, and KMAC128/256) with HMAC. jssha

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