
End-to-End typesafe fetch client for your API



[BETA]: šŸš€ Svetch: End-To-End typesafe Fetch client with auto-generated types & API Docs for your svelte (possibly others) applications!

Currently tested with Svelte, could work with other frameworks.

This package is currently available as a paid module on PrivJS

There is currently no easy solution for generating typesafe fetch clients for sveltekit, currently, existing solutions such as trpc etc... require you to write a lot of boilerplate code.

Why learn a completely new framework when you can use your existing API code? Why write a lot of boilerplate code when you can just use your existing API code?

ā¬ Installation

Type the following in your terminal:

$ npm login --registry

Enter your privjs username, password.

Then type the following after login is successful

$ npm install svetch --registry

šŸŒŸ Advantages

  • šŸ˜ ALMOST no code changes required to your existing API code
  • šŸš€ Almost no learning curve, Augments a regular FETCH client with data and error along with the rest of the fetch client properties, you can use it just like a regular fetch client.
  • šŸ”Ž Intellisense for your api paths.
  • āœ… Typesafety for api inputs & outputs.
  • šŸ“š Beautiful API Docs with testing.
  • šŸ“ƒ Can use JSDocs to add more info to the endpoint documentation.
  • šŸ¤– Handles multiple possible responses per http code.


Autogenerated Docs


Autogenerated responses for each HTTP Code


API Testing in the docs (Supports Path Parameters)


šŸ¤ Dependencies

The API Docs need šŸ’Ø Tailwind and šŸŒ¼ DaisyUI for styling (for now) get it here: DaisyUI & Tailwind

  1. iconify/svelte: for the icons in the docs
  2. comment-parser: for parsing comments in the API code
  3. json-schema-to-zod: for converting json schema to zod
  4. readline-sync: for prompting the user to select the correct response type
  5. ts-morph: for parsing the typescript code
  6. tsx: for parsing the typescript code
  7. typescript: for parsing the typescript code
  8. typescript-json-schema: for converting typescript to json schema
  9. yargs: for parsing the cli arguments
  10. zod: for validating the payload & response

āš™ Setup

Type npx svetch init

This will generate a file in your root directory called .svetchrc

  "framework": "sveltekit", // currently the only option
  "input": "src/routes/api", // the directory you want the generator to traverse
  "out": "src/lib/api", // the directory to output the types & the client to
  "docs": "src/routes/docs", // where to output docs
  "tsconfig": "tsconfig.json", // your tsconfig directory
  "logLevel": 5, // logging level, 
  "filter": null // only show console alerts of this level ('debug', 'warn', 'success', 'warn')

šŸ”Ž Detection

  1. Svetch will traverse your input directory, will scan for any +server.ts with exported GET/POST/PUT/DELETE functions.
  2. For each endpoint it will detect...
    1. path parameters: based on the file name, e.g. user/[user_id].ts will have a path parameter of user_id
    2. query parameters: based on any parameters instantiated like url.searchParams.get('param')
    3. body parameters: based on the type of the payload Must be assigned to a const called payload āš  IMPORTANT
    4. response types: will pickup any top-level return statement that is instantiated like json(xxx) or new Response(xxx) along with status code


Type npx svetch to generate the types & client code

In client code

import { Svetch } from 'svetch'

const svetch = new Svetch({
  baseUrl: '/api', // default is '/api'
  fetch, // default is window.fetch, pass the global fetch to it in node, etc...
  validate: true, // default is false, uses Zod to validate payload + response

await'user/[user_id]', {
      path: {
        user_id: 1,
			body: {
				text: foodInput,
				journalId: $,
				today: new Date()
			.then((response) => {
        if (response.error) throw new Error(response.error)
				food =;
				loading = false;
			.catch((error) => {
				throw new Error(error);

In load functions

import { Svetch } from 'svetch'

const svetch = new Svetch({
  baseUrl: '/api', // default is '/api'
  fetch, // pass the load function's fetch to it
  validate: true, // default is false, uses Zod to validate payload + response

export async function load({ fetch, session }) {
  const user = await svetch.get('user').then((response) => {
    if (response.error) throw new Error(response.error)
  return {
    props: {


  • Add support for sveltekit
  • make it platform agnostic

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